Download Submittal for Simpson Strong-Tie® SUBH
Simpson Strong-Tie® SUBH and MSUBH wall stud bridging connectors for cold-formed steel (CFS) framing offer a compact profile that allows standard 15/8" studs to be sistered directly against adjacent studs.
Many applications require only one screw, greatly reducing labor costs and increasing productivity.
Product Data and Ordering Information:
• Tested to include stud-web strength and stiffness in the tabulated design values
• Design values ensure compliance with AISI S100 Sections D3.2.1 and D3.3 for axially and laterally loaded studs
• Flexible design solutions for web thicknesses of 33 mil (20 ga.) through 97 mil (12 ga.) and stud sizes from 35⁄8" to 8"
• MSUBH accommodates back-to-back built-up members ranging from 33 mil (20 ga.) to 54 mil (16 ga.)
Material: SUBH3.25 – 43 mil (18 ga.)
Finish: Galvanized (G90)
• See Simpson Strong-Tie CFS Catalog, pages 54 through 56.
Codes: See page 11 for Code Report Reference Key Chart.
Ordering Information:
SUBH3.25-R150 (Bucket of 150)