Curtainwall Allowable Capacities Load Tables| 382 kb
Curtainwall Limiting Heights| 713 kb
Load Bearing Allowable Capacities| 1360 kb
Joist and Rafter Span Tables| 1360 kb
Load bearing Axial Load Tables| 1250 kb
Structural Stud and Track Section Properties| 347 kb
Deflection Clip Allowable Design Loads| 387 kb
CT Shaft Wall Composite Limiting Heights| 815 kb
Super Joist and SuperMAXX Joist System Product Catalog| 2766 kb
Super Stud and SuperMAXX Stud System Product Catalog| 2747 kb
Interior Framing (Non-Structural)
EDGE Interior Framing Limiting Heights (Composite and Non-Composite)| 848 kb
EDGE Interior Framing Fire Rating and Sound Assemblies| 292 kb