Download Submittal for Utility Angles
Utility angles are installed at corner conditions to provide continuous support for board products. Other applications include bracing, bridging, flange restraint, blocking, support for accessories, and support for sheathing or finishes.
Our standard G40 coating is available for thicknesses up to 30 mils. For 33 mil and heavier thicknesses, standard coating is G60, with G90 coating available. Note that Utility Angles are typically NOT punched or drilled; although custom made Clip Angles are also available from Super Stud.
Product Data and Ordering Information:
Although 2” legs are shown, longer, shorter, and unequal leg angles are available upon request. Lengths are typically 10 feet, although other lengths are also available upon request.
Only 2” x 2” x 25 gauge is hemmed; other sizes have flat legs (no hem). Angle bend is typically 90 degrees; custom bends and configurations are available on request.
See also Super Stud Clip Angles for specialty clips for specific installations.
ASTM and Code Standards:
Members are galvanized in accordance with ASTM A653, G40 minimum. Steel complies with ASTM A1003 for chemical composition and coating. Members comply with ASTM C645, and properly constructed assemblies comply with ASTM C754.