Download Submittal for S/HJCT Steel-Joist Connectors
S/HJCT connectors are unique, skewable steel-joist framing connectors that combine strength, versatility and low installed cost. The connectors can be used with CFS headers, wood headers, steel I-beams (with welds or PAF fasteners) and masonry walls. Installed cost is minimized since these products are shear rather than bearing connectors, eliminating the need for web stiffeners. The connectors also feature horizontal tabs that facilitate top flange alignment and joist support during screw installation.
Product Data:
Material: S/HJCT—97 mil (12 ga)
Finish: Galvanized
• Uni-directional: Joist can be attached from left or right
• One size fits joists 8"through 14" deep.
• Optional holes for additional load capacity.
• Simplicity of design.
• Quick and easy installation.
• Field skewable up to 45° left or right.
• Attach hanger with specified fasteners. Use round holes for minimum load, use round and triangle holes for maximum load.
• May be used for weld-on applications. The minimum required weld to the
top flange is 1/8"x21/2"fillet weld to each side of top flange. Consult the code for special considerations when welding galvanized steel.
• May be installed using PDPAT-62KP (0.157" x 5/8") powder-actuated fasteners. SteeI headers with thicknesses between 1/4" and 3/4" having a minimum Fy = 36 ksi. A Red (level 5) or Purple (level 6) powder load may be required to achieve
specified penetration (p). Ordering Information: The S/HJCT is sold in kits as the S/HJCT-KT and contains
five (5) connectors and (95) #14 screws.